Monday, 21 February 2011

Band Introduction: Jackman


(this photo is currently being used, as there is no good scan of their current look available, and I currently don’t have access to a scanner)

Jackman is honestly one of my favourite bands at the moment (hence why I am starting with them) and in my opinion a prime example of Kansai talent.
Jackman is a four man band consisting of a vocalist [Azu] Guitarist [Mike] Bass guitarist [LonLon] and Drummer [ROI] signed under the Planet Child Music label

Vocals:  Azu

Guitar: Mike

Bass: LonLon=JackJoker

Drums: ROI

-these photos will be updated once I can find better photo's-

Sometime soon I will upload their discography, so please stay tuned.

(photo sources: member blogs & planet child music staff blog)

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